Partonomy list P2, primary language: LA, subsidiary: ES, interface: EN, work in progress

systema arteriosum cerebrospinale

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Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Current level systema arteriosum cerebrospinale Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short Spanish equivalent
10381 tax
systema arteriosum cerebrospinale
sistema arterial cerebroespinal
3947 tax
systema arteriosum cerebrale
sistema arterial cerebral
4026 tax
circulo arterial cerebral
8891 tax
systema caroticum (par)
sistema carotídeo (par)
3947 3898 tax
arteria carótida interna (par)
50079 3992 tax
arteria conjuntival anterior (par)
50084 3915 tax
arteria comunicante posterior (par)
8890 tax
systema vertebrobasilare
sistema vertebrobasilar
3956 4051 tax
arteria vertebral (par)
50542 4027 tax
arteria basilaris P3 153 children
arteria basilar
8845 tax
sistema arterial espinal
11 lines
72.7 %
100.0 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P2
List Unit Identifier 10381
Sublist 1 3898 arteria carotis interna 465/157 on 26.12.2021
Sublist 2 3915 arteria communicans posterior 35/12 on 22.2.2018
Sublist 3 3992 arteria cerebri media 77/26 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 4 4026 circulus arteriosus telencephali 10/11 on 10.4.2018
Sublist 5 4027 arteria basilaris 180/61 on 25.7.2019
Error in sublist Found children 153 Found units 52
Sublist 6 4051 arteria vertebralis 74/27 on 22.2.2018
Error in sublist Found children 72
Sublist 7 8845 arteria medullae spinalis 28/11 on 26.12.2021
Error in sublist Found children 29 Found units 12
Subtotals subchildren 869 subunits 305
Proper children 12
Invalid number of children Found children: 853
Check Sublist children: 869
Proper units 4
Invalid number of units Found units: 309
Check Found units: 305
Invalid signature 15661 ( 10.6.2020)
Date: 05.06.2024